Receiving my Hollywood Music IN Media Award for BEST JAZZ SONG, 2013 - my trip to Hollywood!
Having been nominated twice before at the HMMAs; once for Best Jazz Song (2010) and then Best Blues Song (2011); I really didn't expect to win in 2013. Sometimes the seemingly impossible actually happens. Someone notices. Someone likes your music. Still, when they called my name at the podium of the Fonda Theatre, I was in a state of shock. I looked around to see if there was someone ELSE in the audience named Cheryl Hodge! This is crazy, I thought; an award for Best Jazz Song, 2013? Really? Who even knows I exist?! The song I wrote, produced and sang and played keys on, TREE PEOPLE, is about endangered tribes in the Amazon rainforest - specifically the Awa Tribe - known for making the trees their habitat. But as the rainforest continues to be farmed and defoliated, these tribes have nowhere to go. It's a devastating situation. The cut has John Stowell on guitar, Josh Cook on sax, bassist Dave Captein, and drummer Charlie Doggett. They are all amazing players. My friends are great engineers: Mike Doolin (from Portland, Or) and Brian Cunningham (from Bellingham, WA). I'm proud of the cut and the song, for sure. You can hear it (and purchase it) HERE. When someone comes up and says they are in a state of shock that they are getting an award, believe it; it's actually true. Somehow I rose to the occasion. Watching all those Oscar and Grammy shows all my life seems to have paid off. I had about 1 minute to say my thank yous. "Say something out of the ordinary," I thought to myself when I came up to the microphone. Then keep it short. Adam Gaynor from Match Box 20 (whom I recognized from other HMMA events, and have joked with in the past, handed the podium over to me, giving me a big hug. "I can't believe I'm finally here", I whispered to him. "You deserve it", he whispered back. I looked at Miss Hollywood (the award presenter)and quipped, "I've been admiring that tiara all night; may I try it on?" She began to remove it from her head and said "Sure!" I quipped back, "Never mind - it looks better on YOU!" Smile and laughs from the crowd. (Continuing from the podium microphone): "I'd like to thank John Stowell for his amazing solo, Josh Cook for his incredible sax playing, and YOU for keeping JAZZ ALIVE!!" The audience gives a huge roar of approval; clapping wildly. They must still really love jazz. Thank God. And thank people like Brent Harvey and Jim DeCicco who organize these HMMA award shows which recognize the best in independent composers and arrangers, in all genres. I can tell you one thing. If this award taught me anything, it taught me this: I ain't done, yet!
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